Compare LM on Spelling Correction#

This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook at Malaya/example/compare-lm-spelling-correction.

Malaya got 3 different LM models,

  1. KenLM

  2. GPT2

  3. Masked LM

So we are going to compare the spelling correction results.

import os

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ''
os.environ['TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH'] = 'true'
import logging

import malaya
/home/husein/dev/malaya/malaya/ FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 3361
  self.tok = re.compile(r'({})'.format('|'.join(pipeline)))
/home/husein/dev/malaya/malaya/ FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 3879
  self.tok = re.compile(r'({})'.format('|'.join(pipeline)))
# some text examples copied from Twitter

string1 = 'krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi'
string2 = 'Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa'
string3 = 'Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.'
string4 = 'Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.'
string5 = 'DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager'
string6 = 'blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch'
string7 = 'mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik'

Load probability model#

def load(
    sentence_piece: bool = False,
    Load a Probability Spell Corrector.

    language_model: Callable, optional (default=None)
        If not None, must an object with `score` method.
    sentence_piece: bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, reduce possible augmentation states using sentence piece.
    stemmer: Callable, optional (default=None)
        a Callable object, must have `stem_word` method.

    result: model
        List of model classes:

        * if passed `language_model` will return `malaya.spelling_correction.probability.ProbabilityLM`.
        * else will return `malaya.spelling_correction.probability.Probability`.
kenlm = malaya.language_model.kenlm()
<Model from b'model.klm'>
Size (MB)
malay-huggingface/bert-base-bahasa-cased 310.0
malay-huggingface/bert-tiny-bahasa-cased 66.1
malay-huggingface/albert-base-bahasa-cased 45.9
malay-huggingface/albert-tiny-bahasa-cased 22.6
mesolitica/roberta-base-bahasa-cased 443.0
mesolitica/roberta-tiny-bahasa-cased 66.1
bert_base = malaya.language_model.mlm(model = 'malay-huggingface/bert-base-bahasa-cased')
bert_tiny = malaya.language_model.mlm(model = 'malay-huggingface/bert-tiny-bahasa-cased')
albert_base = malaya.language_model.mlm(model = 'malay-huggingface/albert-base-bahasa-cased')
albert_tiny = malaya.language_model.mlm(model = 'malay-huggingface/albert-tiny-bahasa-cased')
roberta_base = malaya.language_model.mlm(model = 'mesolitica/roberta-base-bahasa-cased')
Size (MB)
mesolitica/gpt2-117m-bahasa-cased 454
gpt2 = malaya.language_model.gpt2(model = 'mesolitica/gpt2-117m-bahasa-cased')
model_kenlm = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = kenlm)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_bert_base = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = bert_base)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_bert_tiny = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = bert_tiny)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_albert_base = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = albert_base)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_albert_tiny = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = albert_tiny)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_roberta_base = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = roberta_base)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json
model_gpt2 = malaya.spelling_correction.probability.load(language_model = gpt2)
INFO:malaya_boilerplate.huggingface:downloading frozen huseinzol05/v27-preprocessing/bm_1grams.json

To correct a sentence#

def correct_text(
    text: str,
    lookback: int = 3,
    lookforward: int = 3,
    Correct all the words within a text, returning the corrected text.

    text: str
    lookback: int, optional (default=3)
        N words on the left hand side.
        if put -1, will take all words on the left hand side.
        longer left hand side will take longer to compute.
    lookforward: int, optional (default=3)
        N words on the right hand side.
        if put -1, will take all words on the right hand side.
        longer right hand side will take longer to compute.

    result: str
strings = [string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7]
tokenizer = malaya.tokenizer.Tokenizer()
for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_kenlm.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husin suka makan ayam dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bintang dalam kelas nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_bert_base.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husin suka makin ayam dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bentang dalam kls nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_bert_tiny.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husin suka makin ayam dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bentang dalam kls nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_albert_base.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husin suka mukin yama dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bintang dalam kelas nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_albert_tiny.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sakit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husin suka makin ayam dekat kumpang Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bintang dalam kelas nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_roberta_base.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Hussein suka mkn ayam dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh banting dalam klise nlp saye , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

for s in strings:
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
    print('original:', s)
    print('corrected:', model_gpt2.correct_text(' '.join(tokenized)))
original: krajaan patut bagi pencen awal skt kpd warga emas supaya emosi
corrected: kerajaan patut bagi pencen awal sikit kepada warga emas supaya emosi

original: Husein ska mkn aym dkat kampng Jawa
corrected: Husein suka mkn ayam dekat kampung Jawa

original: Melayu malas ni narration dia sama je macam men are trash. True to some, false to some.
corrected: Melayu malas ini narration dia sama sahaja macam men are trash . True to some , false to some .

original: Tapi tak pikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths camtu. Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tau pulak marah. Your kids will be victims of that too.
corrected: Tapi tak fikir ke bahaya perpetuate myths macam itu . Nanti kalau ada hiring discrimination despite your good qualifications because of your race tahu pula marah . Your kids will be victims of that too .

original: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University (early 1980s) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4-5 years time after a career of being an Engineer, Project Manager, General Manager
corrected: DrM cerita Melayu malas semenjak saya kat University ( early 1980s ) and now as i am edging towards retirement in 4 - 5 years time after a career of being an Engineer , Project Manager , General Manager

original: blh bntg dlm kls nlp sy, nnti intch
corrected: boleh bintang dalam kelas nlp saya , nanti intch

original: mulakn slh org boleh ,bila geng tuh kena slhkn jgk xboleh trima .. pelik
corrected: mulakan salah orang boleh , bila geng itu kena salahkan juga xboleh terima . . pelik

[ ]: