Source code for malaya.sentiment

from malaya.supervised import classification
from malaya.supervised.huggingface import load
from malaya.torch_model.huggingface import Classification
from malaya.path import PATH_SENTIMENT, S3_PATH_SENTIMENT

label = ['negative', 'neutral', 'positive']

available_huggingface = {
    'mesolitica/sentiment-analysis-nanot5-tiny-malaysian-cased': {
        'Size (MB)': 93,
        'macro precision': 0.67768,
        'macro recall': 0.68266,
        'macro f1-score': 0.67997,
    'mesolitica/sentiment-analysis-nanot5-small-malaysian-cased': {
        'Size (MB)': 167,
        'macro precision': 0.67602,
        'macro recall': 0.67120,
        'macro f1-score': 0.67339,

info = """
Trained on
Split 90% to train, 10% to test.

[docs]def multinomial(**kwargs): """ Load multinomial sentiment model. Returns ------- result : class """ return classification.multinomial( path=PATH_SENTIMENT, s3_path=S3_PATH_SENTIMENT, module='sentiment', label=label, **kwargs )
[docs]def huggingface( model: str = 'mesolitica/sentiment-analysis-nanot5-small-malaysian-cased', force_check: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Load HuggingFace model to classify sentiment. Parameters ---------- model: str, optional (default='mesolitica/sentiment-analysis-nanot5-small-malaysian-cased') Check available models at `malaya.sentiment.available_huggingface`. force_check: bool, optional (default=True) Force check model one of malaya model. Set to False if you have your own huggingface model. Returns ------- result: malaya.torch_model.huggingface.Classification """ return load( model=model, class_model=Classification, available_huggingface=available_huggingface, force_check=force_check, path=__name__, **kwargs, )