Source code for malaya.normalizer.rules

import re
import dateparser
import itertools
import math
import numpy as np
from malaya.num2word import to_cardinal
from malaya.text.function import (
from malaya.dictionary import is_english, is_malay, is_malaysia_location
from malaya.text.regex import (
from malaya.text.tatabahasa import (
from malaya.text.normalization import (
from malaya.text.rules import rules_normalizer, rules_normalizer_rev
from malaya.cluster import cluster_words
from malaya.function import validator
from malaya.preprocessing import Tokenizer, demoji
from typing import Callable, List
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def normalized_entity(normalized):

    normalized = re.sub(_expressions['ic'], '', normalized)
    money_ = re.findall(_expressions['money'], normalized)
    money_ = [(s, money(s)[1]) for s in money_]
    dates_ = re.findall(_expressions['date'], normalized)

    past_date_string_ = re.findall(_past_date_string, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'past_date_string_: {past_date_string_}')
    now_date_string_ = re.findall(_now_date_string, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'now_date_string_: {now_date_string_}')
    future_date_string_ = re.findall(_future_date_string, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'future_date_string_: {future_date_string_}')
    yesterday_date_string_ = re.findall(
        _yesterday_tomorrow_date_string, normalized
    logger.debug(f'yesterday_date_string_: {yesterday_date_string_}')
    depan_date_string_ = re.findall(_depan_date_string, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'depan_date_string_: {depan_date_string_}')
    today_time_ = re.findall(_today_time, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'today_time_: {today_time_}')
    time_ = re.findall(_expressions['time'], normalized)
    logger.debug(f'time_: {time_}')

    left_datetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}' for i in re.findall(_left_datetime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'left_datetime_: {left_datetime_}')
    right_datetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}' for i in re.findall(_right_datetime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'right_datetime_: {left_datetime_}')
    today_left_datetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}' for i in re.findall(_left_datetodaytime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'today_left_datetime_: {today_left_datetime_}')
    today_right_datetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}' for i in re.findall(_right_datetodaytime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'today_right_datetime_: {today_right_datetime_}')
    left_yesterdaydatetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}'
        for i in re.findall(_left_yesterdaydatetime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'left_yesterdaydatetime_: {left_yesterdaydatetime_}')
    right_yesterdaydatetime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}'
        for i in re.findall(_right_yesterdaydatetime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'right_yesterdaydatetime_: {right_yesterdaydatetime_}')
    left_yesterdaydatetodaytime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}'
        for i in re.findall(_left_yesterdaydatetodaytime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'left_yesterdaydatetodaytime_: {left_yesterdaydatetodaytime_}')
    right_yesterdaydatetodaytime_ = [
        f'{i[0]} {i[1]}'
        for i in re.findall(_right_yesterdaydatetodaytime, normalized)
    logger.debug(f'right_yesterdaydatetodaytime_: {right_yesterdaydatetodaytime_}')

    dates_ = (
        + past_date_string_
        + now_date_string_
        + future_date_string_
        + yesterday_date_string_
        + depan_date_string_
        + time_
        + today_time_
        + left_datetime_
        + right_datetime_
        + today_left_datetime_
        + today_right_datetime_
        + left_yesterdaydatetime_
        + right_yesterdaydatetime_
        + left_yesterdaydatetodaytime_
        + right_yesterdaydatetodaytime_
    dates_ = [d.replace('.', ':') for d in dates_ if not isinstance(d, tuple)]
    dates_ = [multireplace(s, date_replace) for s in dates_]
    dates_ = [re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', s).strip() for s in dates_]
    dates_ = cluster_words(dates_)
    dates_ = {s: dateparser.parse(s) for s in dates_}
    money_ = {s[0]: s[1] for s in money_}

    return dates_, money_

def check_repeat(word):
    if len(word) < 2:
        return word, 1

    if word[-1].isdigit() and not word[-2].isdigit():
        repeat = int(word[-1])
        word = word[:-1]
        repeat = 1

    if repeat < 1:
        repeat = 1
    return word, repeat

def groupby(string):
    results = []
    for word in string.split():
        if not (
            or re.findall(_expressions['url'], word)
            or re.findall(_expressions['money'], word.lower())
            or re.findall(_expressions['number'], word)
            word = ''.join([''.join(s)[:2] for _, s in itertools.groupby(word)])
    return ' '.join(results)

def put_spacing_num(string):
    string = re.sub('[A-Za-z]+', lambda ele: ' ' + ele[0] + ' ', string).split()
    for i in range(len(string)):
        if _is_number_regex(string[i]):
            string[i] = ' '.join([to_cardinal(int(n)) for n in string[i]])
    string = ' '.join(string)
    return re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', string).strip()

[docs]class Normalizer: def __init__(self, tokenizer, speller=None, stemmer=None): self._tokenizer = tokenizer self._speller = speller self._stemmer = stemmer self._demoji = None self._compiled = { k.lower(): re.compile(_expressions[k]) for k, v in _expressions.items() }
[docs] def normalize( self, string: str, normalize_text: bool = True, normalize_url: bool = False, normalize_email: bool = False, normalize_year: bool = True, normalize_telephone: bool = True, normalize_date: bool = True, normalize_time: bool = True, normalize_emoji: bool = True, normalize_elongated: bool = True, normalize_hingga: bool = True, normalize_pada_hari_bulan: bool = True, normalize_fraction: bool = True, normalize_money: bool = True, normalize_units: bool = True, normalize_percent: bool = True, normalize_ic: bool = True, normalize_number: bool = True, normalize_x_kali: bool = True, normalize_cardinal: bool = True, normalize_ordinal: bool = True, normalize_entity: bool = True, expand_contractions: bool = True, check_english_func=is_english, check_malay_func=is_malay, translator: Callable = None, language_detection_word: Callable = None, acceptable_language_detection: List[str] = ['EN', 'CAPITAL', 'NOT_LANG'], segmenter=None, text_scorer=None, text_scorer_window: int = 2, not_a_word_threshold: float = 1e-4, dateparser_settings={'TIMEZONE': 'GMT+8'}, **kwargs, ): """ Normalize a string. Parameters ---------- string : str normalize_text: bool, optional (default=True) if True, will try to replace shortforms with internal corpus. normalize_url: bool, optional (default=False) if True, replace `://` with empty and `.` with `dot`. `` -> `https huseinhouse dot com`. normalize_email: bool, optional (default=False) if True, replace `@` with `di`, `.` with `dot`. `` -> `husein dot zol kosong lima di gmail dot com`. normalize_year: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `tahun 1987` -> `tahun sembilan belas lapan puluh tujuh`. if True, `1970-an` -> `sembilan belas tujuh puluh an`. if False, `tahun 1987` -> `tahun seribu sembilan ratus lapan puluh tujuh`. normalize_telephone: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `no 012-1234567` -> `no kosong satu dua, satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh` normalize_date: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `01/12/2001` -> `satu disember dua ribu satu`. if True, `Jun 2017` -> `satu Jun dua ribu tujuh belas`. if True, `2017 Jun` -> `satu Jun dua ribu tujuh belas`. if False, `2017 Jun` -> `01/06/2017`. if False, `Jun 2017` -> `01/06/2017`. normalize_time: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `pukul 2.30` -> `pukul dua tiga puluh minit`. if False, `pukul 2.30` -> `'02:00:00'` normalize_emoji: bool, (default=True) if True, `🔥` -> `emoji api` Load from `malaya.preprocessing.demoji`. normalize_elongated: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `betuii` -> `betui`. normalize_hingga: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `2011 - 2019` -> `dua ribu sebelas hingga dua ribu sembilan belas` normalize_pada_hari_bulan: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `pada 10/4` -> `pada sepuluh hari bulan empat` normalize_fraction: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `10 /4` -> `sepuluh per empat` normalize_money: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `rm10.4m` -> `sepuluh juta empat ratus ribu ringgit` normalize_units: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `61.2 kg` -> `enam puluh satu perpuluhan dua kilogram` normalize_percent: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `0.8%` -> `kosong perpuluhan lapan peratus` normalize_ic: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `911111-01-1111` -> `sembilan satu satu satu satu satu sempang kosong satu sempang satu satu satu satu` normalize_number: bool, optional (default=True) if True `0123` -> `kosong satu dua tiga` normalize_x_kali: bool, optional (default=True) if True `10x` -> 'sepuluh kali' normalize_cardinal: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `123` -> `seratus dua puluh tiga` normalize_ordinal: bool, optional (default=True) if True, `ke-123` -> `keseratus dua puluh tiga` normalize_entity: bool, optional (default=True) normalize entities, only effect `date`, `datetime`, `time` and `money` patterns string only. expand_contractions: bool, optional (default=True) expand english contractions. check_english_func: Callable, optional (default=malaya.text.function.is_english) function to check a word in english dictionary, default is malaya.text.function.is_english. this parameter also will be use for malay text normalization. check_malay_func: Callable, optional (default=malaya.text.function.is_malay) function to check a word in malay dictionary, default is malaya.text.function.is_malay. translator: Callable, optional (default=None) function to translate EN word to MS word. language_detection_word: Callable, optional (default=None) function to detect language for each words to get better translation results. acceptable_language_detection: List[str], optional (default=['EN', 'CAPITAL', 'NOT_LANG']) only translate substrings if the results from `language_detection_word` is in `acceptable_language_detection`. segmenter: Callable, optional (default=None) function to segmentize word. If provide, it will expand a word, apaitu -> apa itu text_scorer: Callable, optional (default=None) function to validate upper word. If lower case score is higher or equal than upper case score, will choose lower case. text_scorer_window: int, optional (default=2) size of lookback and lookforward to validate upper word. not_a_word_threshold: float, optional (default=1e-4) assume a word is not a human word if score lower than `not_a_word_threshold`. only usable if passed `text_scorer` parameter. dateparser_settings: Dict, optional (default={'TIMEZONE': 'GMT+8'}) default dateparser setting, check support settings at Returns ------- result: {'normalize', 'date', 'money'} """ if normalize_emoji: if self._demoji is None:'caching malaya.preprocessing.demoji inside normalizer') self._demoji = demoji().demoji result_demoji = self._demoji(string) else: result_demoji = None if expand_contractions: logger.debug(f'before expand_contractions: {string}') string = unpack_english_contractions(string) logger.debug(f'after expand_contractions: {string}') tokenized = self._tokenizer(string) s = f'tokenized: {tokenized}' logger.debug(s) string = ' '.join(tokenized) if normalize_elongated: logger.debug(f'before normalize_elongated: {string}') normalized = [] got_speller = hasattr(self._speller, 'normalize_elongated') for word in string.split(): word_lower = word.lower() if ( len(re.findall(r'(.)\1{1}', word)) and not word[0].isupper() and not word_lower.startswith('ke-') and not len(re.findall(_expressions['email'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['url'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['hashtag'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['phone'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['money'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['date'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['ic'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['user'], word)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['number'], word)) and not _is_number_regex(word) and check_english_func is not None and not check_english_func(word_lower) ): word = self._compiled['normalize_elong'].sub(r'\1\1', groupby(word)) if got_speller: word = self._speller.normalize_elongated(word) normalized.append(word) string = ' '.join(normalized) logger.debug(f'after normalize_elongated: {string}') if normalize_text: logger.debug(f'before normalize_text: {string}') string = replace_laugh(string) string = replace_mengeluh(string) string = replace_betul(string) string = _replace_compound(string) logger.debug(f'after normalize_text: {string}') result, normalized = [], [] spelling_correction = {} spelling_correction_condition = {} tokenized = self._tokenizer(string) index = 0 while index < len(tokenized): word = tokenized[index] word_lower = word.lower() word_upper = word.upper() word_title = word.title() first_c = word[0].isupper() s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, queue: {result}' logger.debug(s) if word in PUNCTUATION: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition punct' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue normalized.append(rules_normalizer.get(word_lower, word_lower)) if word_lower in ignore_words: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition ignore words' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['ic'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition IC' logger.debug(s) if normalize_ic: splitted = word.split('-') ics = [digit(s) for s in splitted] word = ' sempang '.join(ics) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['hashtag'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition hashtag' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['url'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition url' logger.debug(s) if normalize_url: word = word.replace('://', ' ').replace('.', ' dot ') word = put_spacing_num(word) word = word.replace( 'https', 'HTTPS').replace( 'http', 'HTTP').replace( 'www', 'WWW') result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['email'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition email' logger.debug(s) if normalize_email: word = ( word.replace('://', ' ') .replace('.', ' dot ') .replace('@', ' di ') ) word = put_spacing_num(word) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['phone'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition phone' logger.debug(s) if normalize_telephone: splitted = word.split('-') if len(splitted) == 2: left = put_spacing_num(splitted[0]) right = put_spacing_num(splitted[1]) word = f'{left}, {right}' result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['user'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition user' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if normalize_emoji and word_lower in result_demoji: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition emoji' r = f'emoji {result_demoji[word_lower]}' if index - 1 >= 0: if tokenized[index - 1] == '.': r = r[0].upper() + r[1:] elif len(result) and result[-1][-1] == ',': pass elif tokenized[index - 1] != ',': r = f', {r}' if index + 1 < len(tokenized): if tokenized[index + 1] == '.': pass elif tokenized[index + 1] != ',': r = f'{r} ,' result.append(r) index += 1 continue if text_scorer is not None: score = math.exp(text_scorer(word_lower)) s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, score: {score}, text_scorer is not None' logger.debug(s) if score <= not_a_word_threshold: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, text_scorer(word_lower) <= not_a_word_threshold' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if ( first_c and not len(re.findall(_expressions['money'], word_lower)) and not len(re.findall(_expressions['date'], word_lower)) ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition not in money and date' logger.debug(s) if word_lower in rules_normalizer and normalize_text: result.append(case_of(word)(rules_normalizer[word_lower])) index += 1 continue elif word_upper not in ['KE', 'PADA', 'RM', 'SEN', 'HINGGA']: norm_title = _normalize_title(word) if normalize_text else word if norm_title != word: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, norm_title != word' logger.debug(s) result.append(norm_title) index += 1 continue titled = True if len(word) > 1 and text_scorer is not None: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition text_scorer is not None' logger.debug(s) l = ' '.join(result[-text_scorer_window:]) if len(l): lower = f'{l} {word_lower}' title = f'{l} {word_title}' normal = f'{l} {word}' upper = f'{l} {word_upper}' else: lower = word_lower title = word_title normal = word upper = word_upper if index + 1 < len(tokenized): r = ' '.join(tokenized[index + 1: index + 1 + text_scorer_window]) if len(r): lower = f'{lower} {r}' title = f'{title} {r}' normal = f'{normal} {r}' upper = f'{upper} {r}' lower_score = text_scorer(lower) title_score = text_scorer(title) normal_score = text_scorer(normal) upper_score = text_scorer(upper) s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, lower: {lower} , normal: {normal} , lower_score: {lower_score}, title_score: {title_score}, normal_score: {normal_score}, upper_score: {upper_score}' logger.debug(s) scores = [lower_score, title_score, upper_score] max_score = max(scores) argmax = np.argmax(scores) if max_score > normal_score: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, max_score > normal_score' logger.debug(s) if argmax == 0: word = word_lower titled = False elif argmax == 1: word = word_title elif argmax == 2: word = word_upper if titled: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition titled' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if check_english_func is not None and len(word) > 1: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition check english' logger.debug(s) found = False word_, repeat = check_repeat(word) word_lower_ = word_.lower() selected_word = word_ if check_english_func(word_lower_): found = True # suree -> sure -> detect elif len(word_lower_) > 1 and len(word_) > 1 and word_lower_[-1] == word_lower_[-2] and check_english_func(word_lower_[:-1]): found = True selected_word = word_[:-1] if found: if translator is not None and language_detection_word is None: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word_}, condition to translate inside checking' logger.debug(s) translated = translator(selected_word) if len(translated) >= len(selected_word) * 3: logger.debug(f'reject translation, {selected_word} -> {translated}') elif ', United States' in translated: logger.debug(f'reject translation, {word_} -> {translated}') else: selected_word = translated result.append(repeat_word(case_of(word)(selected_word), repeat)) index += 1 continue if check_malay_func is not None and len(word) > 1: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition check malay' logger.debug(s) if word_lower not in ['pada', 'ke', 'tahun', 'thun']: if check_malay_func(word_lower): result.append(word) index += 1 continue # kenapaa -> kenapa -> detect elif len(word_lower) > 1 and word_lower[-1] == word_lower[-2] and check_malay_func(word_lower[:-1]): result.append(word[:-1]) index += 1 continue if is_malaysia_location(word): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, is_malaysia_location' logger.debug(s) result.append(word_lower.title()) index += 1 continue if word_lower in rules_normalizer and normalize_text: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition in early rules normalizer' logger.debug(s) result.append(case_of(word)(rules_normalizer[word_lower])) index += 1 continue if len(word) > 2 and normalize_text and check_english_func is not None and not check_english_func( word): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition len(word) > 2 and norm text' logger.debug(s) if word[-2] in consonants and word[-1] == 'e': word = word[:-1] + 'a' if word[0] == 'x' and len( word) > 1 and normalize_text and check_english_func is not None and not check_english_func(word): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition word[0] == `x` and len(word) > 1 and norm text' logger.debug(s) result_string = 'tak ' word = word[1:] else: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition else for (word[0] == `x` and len(word) > 1 and norm text)' logger.debug(s) result_string = '' if normalize_ordinal and word_lower == 'ke' and index < (len(tokenized) - 2): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition ke' logger.debug(s) if tokenized[index + 1] == '-' and _is_number_regex( tokenized[index + 2] ): result.append( ordinal( word + tokenized[index + 1] + tokenized[index + 2] ) ) index += 3 continue elif tokenized[index + 1] == '-' and re.match( '.*(V|X|I|L|D)', tokenized[index + 2] ): result.append( ordinal( word + tokenized[index + 1] + str(rom_to_int(tokenized[index + 2])) ) ) index += 3 continue else: result.append('ke') index += 1 continue if normalize_hingga and _is_number_regex(word) and index < (len(tokenized) - 2): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition hingga' logger.debug(s) if tokenized[index + 1] == '-' and _is_number_regex( tokenized[index + 2] ): result.append( to_cardinal(_string_to_num(word)) + ' hingga ' + to_cardinal(_string_to_num(tokenized[index + 2])) ) index += 3 continue if normalize_pada_hari_bulan and word_lower == 'pada' and index < (len(tokenized) - 3): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition pada hari bulan' logger.debug(s) if ( _is_number_regex(tokenized[index + 1]) and tokenized[index + 2] in '/-' and _is_number_regex(tokenized[index + 3]) ): result.append( 'pada %s hari bulan %s' % ( to_cardinal(_string_to_num(tokenized[index + 1])), to_cardinal(_string_to_num(tokenized[index + 3])), ) ) index += 4 continue if ( word_lower in ['tahun', 'thun'] and index < (len(tokenized) - 1) and normalize_year ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition tahun' logger.debug(s) if ( _is_number_regex(tokenized[index + 1]) and len(tokenized[index + 1]) == 4 ): t = tokenized[index + 1] if t[1] != '0': l = to_cardinal(int(t[:2])) r = to_cardinal(int(t[2:])) c = f'{l} {r}' else: c = to_cardinal(int(t)) if ( index < (len(tokenized) - 3) and tokenized[index + 2] == '-' and tokenized[index + 3].lower() == 'an' ): end = 'an' plus = 4 else: end = '' plus = 2 result.append(f'tahun {c}{end}') index += plus continue if normalize_fraction and _is_number_regex(word) and index < (len(tokenized) - 2): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition fraction' logger.debug(s) if tokenized[index + 1] == '/' and _is_number_regex( tokenized[index + 2] ): result.append( fraction( word + tokenized[index + 1] + tokenized[index + 2] ) ) index += 3 continue if ( tokenized[index + 1] == '-' and tokenized[index + 2].lower() == 'an' and normalize_year and len(word) == 4 ): t = word if t[1] != '0': l = to_cardinal(int(t[:2])) r = to_cardinal(int(t[2:])) c = f'{l} {r}' else: c = to_cardinal(int(t)) result.append(f'{c}an') index += 3 continue if re.findall(_expressions['money'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition money' logger.debug(s) if normalize_money: money_, _ = money(word) result.append(money_) if index < (len(tokenized) - 1): if tokenized[index + 1].lower() in ('sen', 'cent'): index += 2 else: index += 1 else: index += 1 else: result.append(word) index += 1 continue if ( re.findall(_expressions['temperature'], word_lower) or re.findall(_expressions['distance'], word_lower) or re.findall(_expressions['volume'], word_lower) or re.findall(_expressions['duration'], word_lower) or re.findall(_expressions['weight'], word_lower) ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition units' logger.debug(s) if normalize_units: word = word.replace(' ', '') word = digit_unit(word) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['percent'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition percent' logger.debug(s) if normalize_percent: word = word.replace('%', '') word = cardinal(word) + ' peratus' result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['date'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition date' logger.debug(s) word = word_lower word = multireplace(word, date_replace) word = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', word).strip() try: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, parsing date' logger.debug(s) parsed = dateparser.parse(word, settings=dateparser_settings) if parsed: word = parsed.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if normalize_date: day, month, year = word.split('/') day = cardinal(day) month = bulan[int(month)].title() year = cardinal(year) word = f'{day} {month} {year}' except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if ( re.findall(_expressions['time'], word_lower) or re.findall(_expressions['time_pukul'], word_lower) ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition time' logger.debug(s) word = word_lower word = multireplace(word, date_replace) word = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', word).strip() if index - 1 >= 0 and tokenized[index - 1].lower() in ['pkul', 'pukul', 'pkl']: prefix = '' else: prefix = 'pukul ' try: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, parsing time' logger.debug(s) parsed = dateparser.parse(word.replace('.', ':')) if parsed: word = parsed.strftime('%H:%M:%S') hour, minute, second = word.split(':') if normalize_time: hour = cardinal(hour) if int(minute) > 0: minute = cardinal(minute) minute = f'{minute} minit' else: minute = '' if int(second) > 0: second = cardinal(second) second = f'{second} saat' else: second = '' word = f'{prefix}{hour} {minute} {second}' else: pukul = f'{prefix}{hour}' if int(minute) > 0: pukul = f'{pukul}.{minute}' if int(second) > 0: pukul = f'{pukul}:{second}' word = pukul word = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', word).strip() except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if ( re.findall(_expressions['number'], word_lower) and word_lower[0] == '0' and '.' not in word_lower ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition digit and word[0] == `0`' logger.debug(s) if normalize_number: word = digit(word) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if ( len(word_lower) >= 2 and word_lower[-1] == 'x' and re.findall(_expressions['number'], word_lower[:-1]) and '.' not in word_lower ): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition x kali' logger.debug(s) word = word[:-1] if normalize_x_kali: word = cardinal(word) word = f'{word} kali' result.append(word) index += 1 continue if normalize_cardinal: cardinal_ = cardinal(word) if cardinal_ != word: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition cardinal' logger.debug(s) result.append(cardinal_) index += 1 continue if normalize_ordinal: normalized_ke = ordinal(word) if normalized_ke != word: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition ordinal' logger.debug(s) result.append(normalized_ke) index += 1 continue if len(re.findall(_expressions['number'], word)): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition is number' logger.debug(s) result.append(word) index += 1 continue if re.findall(_expressions['number_with_shortform'], word_lower): s = f'index: {index}, word: {word_lower}, condition is number_with_shortform' logger.debug(s) if normalize_cardinal: w = normalize_numbers_with_shortform(word_lower) else: w = word result.append(w) index += 1 continue if segmenter is not None: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition to segment' logger.debug(s) if word[-1] in digits: word_ = word[:-1] d = word[-1] else: word_ = word d = '' segmentized = segmenter(word_) + d words = segmentized.split() else: words = [word] for no_word, word in enumerate(words): if self._stemmer is not None: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, self._stemmer is not None' word, end_result_string = _remove_postfix( word, stemmer=self._stemmer, validate_word=False, ) if len(end_result_string) and end_result_string[0] in digits: word = word + end_result_string[0] end_result_string = end_result_string[1:] else: end_result_string = '' if normalize_text: word, repeat = check_repeat(word) else: repeat = 1 s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, end_result_string: {end_result_string}, repeat: {repeat}' logger.debug(s) if normalize_text: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition normalize text' logger.debug(s) if word in sounds: selected = sounds[word] elif word in rules_normalizer: selected = rules_normalizer[word] # betuii -> betui -> betul elif len(word) > 1 and word[-1] == word[-2] and word[:-1] in rules_normalizer: selected = rules_normalizer[word[:-1]] # betuii -> betui -> betul elif len(word) > 1 and word[-1] == word[-2] and word[:-1] in rules_normalizer_rev: selected = word[:-1] else: selected = word if translator is not None and language_detection_word is None: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition to translate' logger.debug(s) translated = translator(word) if len(translated) >= len(word) * 3: logger.debug(f'reject translation, {word} -> {translated}') elif ', United States' in translated: logger.debug(f'reject translation, {word} -> {translated}') elif translated in PUNCTUATION: logger.debug(f'reject translation, {word} -> {translated}') else: selected = translated if selected == word and self._speller: s = f'index: {index}, word: {word}, condition to spelling correction' logger.debug(s) spelling_correction[len(result)] = selected else: selected = word selected = repeat_word(selected, repeat) spelling_correction_condition[len(result)] = [ repeat, result_string, end_result_string] result.append(result_string + selected + end_result_string) index += 1 for index, selected in spelling_correction.items(): logger.debug(f'spelling correction, index: {index}, selected: {selected}') selected = self._speller.correct( selected, string=result, index=index, **kwargs ) repeat, result_string, end_result_string = spelling_correction_condition[index] selected = repeat_word(selected, repeat) selected = result_string + selected + end_result_string result[index] = selected result = ' '.join(result) normalized = ' '.join(normalized) result = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', result).strip() normalized = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', normalized).strip() if translator is not None and language_detection_word is not None: splitted = result.split() result_langs = language_detection_word(splitted) logger.debug(f'condition translator and language_detection_word, {result_langs}') new_result, temp, temp_lang = [], [], [] for no_r, r in enumerate(result_langs): s = f'index: {no_r}, label: {r}, word: {splitted[no_r]}, queue: {new_result}' logger.debug(s) if r in acceptable_language_detection and not is_laugh( splitted[no_r]) and not is_mengeluh(splitted[no_r]): temp.append(splitted[no_r]) temp_lang.append(r) else: if len(temp): if 'EN' in temp_lang: logger.debug( f'condition len(temp) and EN in temp_lang, {temp}, {temp_lang}') translated = translator(' '.join(temp)) new_result.extend(translated.split()) else: logger.debug( f'condition len(temp) and EN not in temp_lang, {temp}, {temp_lang}') new_result.extend(temp) temp = [] temp_lang = [] new_result.append(splitted[no_r]) if len(temp): if 'EN' in temp_lang: logger.debug(f'condition len(temp) and EN in temp_lang, {temp}, {temp_lang}') translated = translator(' '.join(temp)) new_result.extend(translated.split()) else: logger.debug( f'condition len(temp) and EN not in temp_lang, {temp}, {temp_lang}') new_result.extend(temp) result = ' '.join(new_result) if normalize_entity: dates_, money_ = normalized_entity(normalized) else: dates_, money_ = {}, {} return {'normalize': result, 'date': dates_, 'money': money_}
[docs]def load( speller: Callable = None, stemmer: Callable = None, **kwargs, ): """ Load a Normalizer using any spelling correction model. Parameters ---------- speller: Callable, optional (default=None) function to correct spelling, must have `correct` or `normalize_elongated` method. stemmer: Callable, optional (default=None) function to stem, must have `stem_word` method. If provide stemmer, will accurately to stem kata imbuhan akhir. Returns ------- result: malaya.normalizer.rules.Normalizer class """ validator.validate_object_methods( speller, ['correct', 'normalize_elongated'], 'speller' ) if stemmer is not None: if not hasattr(stemmer, 'stem_word'): raise ValueError('stemmer must have `stem_word` method') tokenizer = Tokenizer(**kwargs).tokenize return Normalizer(tokenizer=tokenizer, speller=speller, stemmer=stemmer)