Source code for malaya.spelling_correction.jamspell

import re
from functools import partial
from malaya.text.function import case_of, check_ratio_upper_lower
from malaya.dictionary import is_english, is_malay
from malaya.text.tatabahasa import stopword_tatabahasa
from malaya.text.rules import rules_normalizer
from malaya.path import PATH_NGRAM, S3_PATH_NGRAM
from malaya.function import check_file
from typing import List

Before you able to use this spelling correction, you need to install,

For mac,

tar -zxf swig-3.0.12.tar.gz
./swig-3.0.12/configure && make && make install
pip3 install jamspell

For debian / ubuntu,

apt install swig3
pip3 install jamspell

[docs]class JamSpell: def __init__(self, corrector): self._corrector = corrector
[docs] def correct(self, word: str, string: List[str], index: int = -1): """ Correct a word within a text, returning the corrected word. Parameters ---------- word: str string: List[str] Tokenized string, `word` must a word inside `string`. index: int, optional(default=-1) index of word in the string, if -1, will try to use `string.index(word)`. Returns ------- result: str """ if is_english(word): return word if is_malay(word): return word if word in stopword_tatabahasa: return word if word in rules_normalizer: word = rules_normalizer[word] else: candidates = self.edit_candidates(word=word, string=string, index=index) word = candidates[0] return word
[docs] def correct_word( self, word, string: List[str], index: int = -1, ): """ Spell-correct word in re.match, and preserve proper upper, lower, title case. """ if len(word) < 2: return word return case_of(word)(self.correct(word.lower(), string=string, index=index))
[docs] def correct_match( self, match, string: List[str], index: int = -1, ): """ Spell-correct word in re.match, and preserve proper upper, lower, title case. """ return self.correct_word(, string=string, index=index)
[docs] def correct_text(self, text: str): """ Correct all the words within a text, returning the corrected text. Parameters ---------- text: str Returns ------- result: str """ string = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', text).strip() splitted = string.split() for no, word in enumerate(splitted): if not word.isupper() and check_ratio_upper_lower(word) < 0.5: p = partial( self.correct_match, string=splitted, index=no, ) word = re.sub('[a-zA-Z]+', p, word) splitted[no] = word return ' '.join(splitted)
[docs] def edit_candidates(self, word: str, string: List[str], index: int = -1): """ Generate candidates given a word. Parameters ---------- word: str string: str Entire string, `word` must a word inside `string`. index: int, optional(default=-1) index of word in the string, if -1, will try to use `string.index(word)`. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ if index < 0: index = string.index(word) else: if word.lower() not in string[index].lower(): raise ValueError('word is not a subset or equal to index of the splitted string') return self._corrector.GetCandidates(string, index)
available_model = { 'wiki+news': { 'Size (MB)': 337, }, 'wiki': { 'Size (MB)': 148, }, 'news': { 'Size (MB)': 215, } }
[docs]def load(model: str = 'wiki', **kwargs): """ Load a jamspell Spell Corrector for Malay. Parameters ---------- model: str, optional (default='wiki+news') Supported models. Allowed values: * ``'wiki+news'`` - Wikipedia + News, 337MB. * ``'wiki'`` - Wikipedia, 148MB. * ``'news'`` - local news, 215MB. Returns ------- result: malaya.spell.JamSpell class """ try: import jamspell as jamspellpy except BaseException: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'jamspell not installed. Please install it and try again.' ) model = model.lower() if model not in available_model: raise ValueError( 'model not supported, please check supported models from `malaya.spelling_correction.jamspell.available_model`.' ) path = check_file(PATH_NGRAM['jamspell'][model], S3_PATH_NGRAM['jamspell'][model], **kwargs) try: corrector = jamspellpy.TSpellCorrector() corrector.LoadLangModel(path['model']) except BaseException: raise Exception('failed to load jamspell model, please try clear cache or rerun again.') return JamSpell(corrector=corrector)