Source code for malaya.topic_model.decomposition

import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
from malaya.text.function import (
from malaya.function import validator
from typing import List, Tuple

[docs]class Topic: def __init__( self, features, comp, corpus, transformed, vectorizer, vectors ): self.features = features self.comp = comp self.corpus = corpus self.transformed = transformed self.vectorizer = vectorizer self._vectors = vectors
[docs] def visualize_topics(self, notebook_mode: bool = False, mds: str = 'pcoa'): """ Print important topics based on decomposition. Parameters ---------- mds : str, optional (default='pcoa') 2D Decomposition. Allowed values: * ``'pcoa'`` - Dimension reduction via Jensen-Shannon Divergence & Principal Coordinate Analysis (aka Classical Multidimensional Scaling) * ``'mmds'`` - Dimension reduction via Multidimensional scaling * ``'tsne'`` - Dimension reduction via t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding """ if not isinstance(self.comp, LatentDirichletAllocation): raise ValueError('only support LatentDirichletAllocation model.') import pyLDAvis import pyLDAvis.sklearn if notebook_mode: pyLDAvis.enable_notebook() prepared_vis_data = pyLDAvis.sklearn.prepare( self.comp, self._vectors, self.vectorizer, mds=mds ) if notebook_mode: return prepared_vis_data else:
[docs] def top_topics( self, len_topic: int, top_n: int = 10, return_df: bool = True ): """ Print important topics based on decomposition. Parameters ---------- len_topic: int size of topics. top_n: int, optional (default=10) top n of each topic. return_df: bool, optional (default=True) return as pandas.DataFrame, else JSON. """ return print_topics_modeling( len_topic, feature_names=np.array(self.features), sorting=np.argsort(self.comp.components_)[:, ::-1], n_words=top_n, return_df=return_df, )
[docs] def get_topics(self, len_topic: int): """ Return important topics based on decomposition. Parameters ---------- len_topic: int Returns ------- result: List[str] """ if not isinstance(len_topic, int): raise ValueError('len_topic must be an integer') results = [] for no, topic in enumerate(self.comp.components_): results.append( ( no, ' '.join( [ self.features[i] for i in topic.argsort()[: -len_topic - 1: -1] ] ), ) ) return results
[docs] def get_sentences(self, len_sentence: int, k: int = 0): """ Return important sentences related to selected column based on decomposition. Parameters ---------- len_sentence: int k: int, (default=0) index of decomposition matrix. Returns ------- result: List[str] """ if not (k < self.transformed.shape[1] and k >= 0): raise ValueError('k should be between 0 and n_topics') reverse_sorted = np.argsort(self.transformed[:, k])[::-1] return [self.corpus[i] for i in reverse_sorted[:len_sentence]]
[docs]def fit( corpus: List[str], model, vectorizer, n_topics: int, cleaning=simple_textcleaning, stopwords=get_stopwords, **kwargs, ): """ Train a SKlearn model to do topic modelling based on corpus given. Parameters ---------- corpus: list model : object Should have `fit_transform` method. Commonly: * ``sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD`` - LSA algorithm. * ``sklearn.decomposition.LatentDirichletAllocation`` - LDA algorithm. * ``sklearn.decomposition.NMF`` - NMF algorithm. vectorizer : object Should have `fit_transform` method. Commonly: * ``sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer`` - TFIDF algorithm. * ``sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer`` - Bag-of-Word algorithm. * ``malaya.text.vectorizer.SkipGramCountVectorizer`` - Skip Gram Bag-of-Word algorithm. * ``malaya.text.vectorizer.SkipGramTfidfVectorizer`` - Skip Gram TFIDF algorithm. n_topics: int, (default=10) size of decomposition column. cleaning: function, (default=malaya.text.function.simple_textcleaning) function to clean the corpus. stopwords: List[str], (default=malaya.texts.function.get_stopwords) A callable that returned a List[str], or a List[str], or a Tuple[str] Returns ------- result: malaya.topic_model.decomposition.Topic class """ stopwords = validator.validate_stopwords(stopwords) stopwords = list(stopwords) validator.validate_function(cleaning, 'cleaning') if not hasattr(vectorizer, 'fit_transform'): raise ValueError('vectorizer must have `fit_transform` method') if len(corpus) < n_topics: raise ValueError( 'length corpus must be bigger than or equal to n_topics' ) if cleaning is not None: for i in range(len(corpus)): corpus[i] = cleaning(corpus[i]) tf = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus) tf_features = vectorizer.get_feature_names() compose = model(n_topics).fit(tf) return Topic( tf_features, compose, corpus, compose.transform(tf), vectorizer, tf )