Source code for malaya.torch_model.huggingface

from transformers import (
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from malaya.text.bpe import (
from malaya.text.function import (
    remove_html_tags as f_remove_html_tags,
from malaya_boilerplate.converter import ctranslate2_translator
from malaya.function.parse_dependency import DependencyGraph
from malaya.text.rouge import postprocess_summary, find_kata_encik
from malaya.torch_model.base import Base
from malaya.torch_model.t5 import (
from malaya.torch_model.llama2 import LlamaModelEmbedding
from malaya.torch_model.constituency_modules import BatchIndices
from malaya_boilerplate.torch_utils import to_numpy
from malaya.function.activation import softmax
from malaya.parser.conll import CoNLL
from malaya.parser.alg import eisner, mst
from malaya.supervised.settings import dependency as dependency_settings
from malaya.graph.triplet import dict_to_list, rebel_format, parse_rebel
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Callable, Dict
import numpy as np
import torch
import re
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAPPING_LANG = {'ms': 'Malay', 'en': 'Inggeris'}

[docs]class Generator(Base): def __init__( self, model, initial_text='', base_model=AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, use_ctranslate2=False, **kwargs ): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model, use_fast=False, **kwargs ) self.is_gpt2tokenizer = 'GPT2Tokenizer' in str(type(self.tokenizer)) self.use_ctranslate2 = use_ctranslate2 if self.use_ctranslate2: if base_model != AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM: raise ValueError('`base_model` must `AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM` if `use_ctranslate2`.') self.model = ctranslate2_translator(model=model, **kwargs) else: self.model = base_model.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self._initial_text = initial_text
[docs] def generate(self, strings: List[str], return_generate=False, prefix=None, **kwargs): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at If you are using `use_ctranslate2`, vector arguments pass to ctranslate2 `translate_batch` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ if isinstance(prefix, str): _initial_text = prefix else: _initial_text = self._initial_text logger.debug(f'generate, initial_text: {_initial_text}') logger.debug(f'generate, strings: {strings}') combined = [] for s in strings: s = f'{_initial_text}{s}' if self.is_gpt2tokenizer: s += self.tokenizer.eos_token combined.append(s) if self.use_ctranslate2: tokens = [self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( self.tokenizer.encode(s)) for s in combined] results = self.model.translate_batch(tokens, **kwargs) outputs = [] for o in results: for h in o.hypotheses: outputs.append(self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(h)) else: input_ids = [{'input_ids': self.tokenizer.encode( s, return_tensors='pt')[0]} for s in combined] padded = self.tokenizer.pad(input_ids, padding='longest', return_tensors='pt') for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded.pop('token_type_ids', None) outputs = self.model.generate(**padded, **kwargs) if return_generate: return outputs else: return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
[docs] def alignment( self, source: str, target: str, ): """ align texts using cross attention and `dtw-python`. Parameters ---------- source: List[str] target: List[str] Returns ------- result: Dict """ if self.use_ctranslate2: raise ValueError('`alignment` method not able to use for ctranslate2 model.') try: from dtw import dtw except Exception as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'dtw-python not installed. Please install it by `pip install dtw-python` and try again.' ) input_ids = [{'input_ids': self.tokenizer.encode( f'{self._initial_text}{s}', return_tensors='pt')[0]} for s in source] padded = self.tokenizer.pad(input_ids, padding='longest') labels = self.tokenizer(target, padding=True, return_tensors='pt')['input_ids'] padded['labels'] = labels for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) with torch.no_grad(): o = self.model(**padded, output_attentions=True, return_dict=True) weights =['cross_attentions']) weights = weights.cpu() weights = torch.tensor(weights).softmax(dim=-1) w = weights / weights.norm(dim=-2, keepdim=True) matrix = w.mean(axis=(0, 1)).T alignment = dtw(np.ascontiguousarray(-matrix.double().numpy())) alignment_x = alignment.index2s alignment_y = alignment.index1s return { 'alignment': matrix, 'alignment_x': alignment_x, 'alignment_y': alignment_y, }
[docs]class Prefix(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate(self, string, **kwargs): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- string : str **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ padded = {'input_ids': self.tokenizer.encode(string, return_tensors='pt')} for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) outputs = self.model.generate(**padded, **kwargs) return self.tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
[docs]class Paraphrase(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='parafrasa: ', **kwargs, )
[docs] def generate( self, strings: List[str], postprocess: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] postprocess: bool, optional (default=False) If True, will removed biased generated `kata Encik`. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ results = super().generate(strings, **kwargs) if postprocess: for no in range(len(results)): s = find_kata_encik(strings[no], **kwargs) results[no] = s return results
[docs]class Summarization(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='ringkasan: ', **kwargs, )
[docs] def generate( self, strings: List[str], postprocess: bool = True, n: int = 2, threshold: float = 0.1, reject_similarity: float = 0.85, **kwargs, ): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] postprocess: bool, optional (default=False) If True, will filter sentence generated using ROUGE score and removed biased generated international news publisher. n: int, optional (default=2) N size of rouge to filter threshold: float, optional (default=0.1) minimum threshold for N rouge score to select a sentence. reject_similarity: float, optional (default=0.85) reject similar sentences while maintain position. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ results = super().generate(strings, **kwargs) if postprocess: for no in range(len(results)): s = postprocess_summary( strings[no // (len(results) // len(strings))], results[no], n=n, threshold=threshold, reject_similarity=reject_similarity, ) results[no] = s return results
[docs]class Similarity(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = T5ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) def forward(self, strings_left: List[str], strings_right: List[str]): if len(strings_left) != len(strings_right): raise ValueError('len(strings_left) != len(strings_right)') strings = [] for i in range(len(strings_left)): s1 = strings_left[i] s2 = strings_right[i] s = f'ayat1: {s1} ayat2: {s2}' strings.append(s) input_ids = [{'input_ids': self.tokenizer.encode( s, return_tensors='pt')[0]} for s in strings] padded = self.tokenizer.pad(input_ids, padding='longest') for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded.pop('token_type_ids', None) outputs = self.model(**padded, return_dict=True) return outputs
[docs] def predict_proba(self, strings_left: List[str], strings_right: List[str]): """ calculate similarity for two different batch of texts. Parameters ---------- strings_left : List[str] strings_right : List[str] Returns ------- list: List[float] """ outputs = self.forward(strings_left=strings_left, strings_right=strings_right) entail_contradiction_logits = outputs.logits probs = entail_contradiction_logits.softmax(dim=1)[:, 1] return to_numpy(probs)
[docs]class ZeroShotClassification(Similarity): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Similarity.__init__( self, model=model, **kwargs )
[docs] def predict_proba( self, strings: List[str], labels: List[str], prefix: str = 'ayat ini berkaitan tentang ', multilabel: bool = True, ): """ classify list of strings and return probability. Parameters ---------- strings: List[str] labels: List[str] prefix: str, optional (default='ayat ini berkaitan tentang ') prefix of labels to zero shot. Playing around with prefix can get better results. multilabel: bool, optional (default=True) probability of labels can be more than 1.0 Returns ------- list: List[Dict[str, float]] """ strings_left, strings_right, mapping = [], [], defaultdict(list) index = 0 for no, string in enumerate(strings): for label in labels: strings_left.append(string) text_label = f'{prefix}{label}' text_label = re.sub(r'[ ]+', ' ', text_label).strip() strings_right.append(text_label) mapping[no].append(index) index += 1 outputs = super().forward(strings_left=strings_left, strings_right=strings_right) entail_contradiction_logits = outputs.logits[:, [0, 1]] if multilabel: probs = to_numpy(entail_contradiction_logits.softmax(dim=1)[:, 1]) else: probs = to_numpy(entail_contradiction_logits[:, 1]) results = [] for k, v in mapping.items(): if multilabel: result = {} for no, index in enumerate(v): result[labels[no]] = probs[index] else: result = [] for no, index in enumerate(v): result.append(probs[index]) p = softmax(result) result = {} for no, index in enumerate(v): result[labels[no]] = p[no] results.append(result) return results
[docs]class ExtractiveQA(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, **kwargs, ) self.flan_mode = 'flan' in model
[docs] def predict( self, paragraph_text: str, question_texts: List[str], validate_answers: bool = True, validate_questions: bool = False, minimum_threshold_question: float = 0.05, **kwargs, ): """ Predict extractive answers from questions given a paragraph. Parameters ---------- paragraph_text: str question_texts: List[str] List of questions, results really depends on case sensitive questions. validate_answers: bool, optional (default=True) if True, will check the answer is inside the paragraph. validate_questions: bool, optional (default=False) if True, validate the question is subset of the paragraph using `sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer` it is only useful if `paragraph_text` and `question_texts` are the same language. minimum_threshold_question: float, optional (default=0.05) minimum score from `cosine_similarity`, only useful if `validate_questions = True`. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ text = remove_newlines(paragraph_text) strings, questions = [], [] for q in question_texts: q_ = remove_newlines(q) if self.flan_mode: s = f'read the following context and answer the question given: context: {text} question: {q_}' else: s = f'ekstrak jawapan: {text} soalan: {q_}' strings.append(s) questions.append(q_) if validate_questions: tf = CountVectorizer( stop_words=STOPWORDS, token_pattern='[A-Za-z0-9\\-()]+', ngram_range=(1, 2) ).fit([text]) v = tf.transform([text]) scores = cosine_similarity(tf.transform(questions), v)[:, 0] else: scores = [1.0] * len(questions) r = super().generate(strings, **kwargs) if validate_answers: r = [r_.strip() if r_ in text else 'tiada jawapan' for r_ in r] results = [] for no, r_ in enumerate(r): if scores[no // (len(r) // len(scores))] >= minimum_threshold_question: a = r_ else: a = 'tiada jawapan' results.append(a) return results
[docs]class Transformer(Base): def __init__( self, model, **kwargs, ): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) if self.tokenizer.slow_tokenizer_class in (RobertaTokenizer, None): self._tokenizer_type = 'bpe' self._merge = merge_bpe_tokens elif self.tokenizer.slow_tokenizer_class in (ElectraTokenizer, BertTokenizer): self._tokenizer_type = 'wordpiece' self._merge = merge_wordpiece_tokens elif self.tokenizer.slow_tokenizer_class in (T5Tokenizer, AlbertTokenizer, XLNetTokenizer): self._tokenizer_type = 'sentencepiece' self._merge = merge_sentencepiece_tokens else: raise ValueError( 'currently `malaya.transformer.load_huggingface` only supported `bpe`, `wordpiece` and `sentencepiece` tokenizer') self.model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) def forward(self, strings): input_ids = [{'input_ids': self.tokenizer.encode( s, return_tensors='pt')[0]} for s in strings] padded = self.tokenizer.pad(input_ids, padding='longest') for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) return self.model(**padded, return_dict=True, output_attentions=True, output_hidden_states=True), padded def _method(self, layers, method, dim=0): method = method.lower() if method == 'last': layer = layers[-1] elif method == 'first': layer = layers[0] elif method == 'mean': layer = torch.mean(layers, dim=dim) else: raise ValueError('only supported `last`, `first` and `mean`.') return layer
[docs] def vectorize( self, strings: List[str], method: str = 'last', method_token: str = 'first', t5_head_logits: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Vectorize string inputs. Parameters ---------- strings: List[str] method: str, optional (default='last') hidden layers supported. Allowed values: * ``'last'`` - last layer. * ``'first'`` - first layer. * ``'mean'`` - average all layers. This only applicable for non T5 models. method_token: str, optional (default='first') token layers supported. Allowed values: * ``'last'`` - last token. * ``'first'`` - first token. * ``'mean'`` - average all tokens. usually pretrained models trained on `first` token for classification task. This only applicable for non T5 models. t5_head_logits: str, optional (default=True) if True, will take head logits, else, last token. This only applicable for T5 models. Returns ------- result: np.array """ hidden_states = self.forward(strings=strings)[0].hidden_states stacked = torch.stack(hidden_states) layer = self._method(stacked, method) layer = layer.transpose(0, 1) return to_numpy(self._method(layer, method_token))
[docs] def attention( self, strings: List[str], method: str = 'last', method_head: str = 'mean', t5_attention: str = 'cross_attentions', **kwargs, ): """ Get attention string inputs. Parameters ---------- strings: List[str] method: str, optional (default='last') Attention layer supported. Allowed values: * ``'last'`` - attention from last layer. * ``'first'`` - attention from first layer. * ``'mean'`` - average attentions from all layers. method_head: str, optional (default='mean') attention head layer supported. Allowed values: * ``'last'`` - attention from last layer. * ``'first'`` - attention from first layer. * ``'mean'`` - average attentions from all layers. t5_attention: str, optional (default='cross_attentions') attention type for T5 models. Allowed values: * ``'cross_attentions'`` - cross attention. * ``'encoder_attentions'`` - encoder attention. * ``'decoder_attentions'`` - decoder attention. This only applicable for T5 models. Returns ------- result : List[List[Tuple[str, float]]] """ forward = self.forward(strings=strings) attentions = forward[0].attentions stacked = torch.stack(attentions) layer = self._method(stacked, method) layer = layer.transpose(0, 2).transpose(1, 2) cls_attn = to_numpy(self._method(layer, method_head)) cls_attn = np.mean(cls_attn, axis=1) total_weights = np.sum(cls_attn, axis=-1, keepdims=True) attn = cls_attn / total_weights tokenized = [self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(to_numpy(forward[1]['input_ids'][i])) for i in range(len(forward[1]['input_ids']))] output = [] for i in range(attn.shape[0]): output.append( self._merge(list(zip(tokenized[i], attn[i])), rejected=self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens) ) return output
[docs]class IsiPentingGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, **kwargs, ) self._mode = [ 'surat-khabar', 'tajuk-surat-khabar', 'artikel', 'penerangan-produk', 'karangan', ]
[docs] def generate( self, strings: List[str], mode: str = 'surat-khabar', remove_html_tags: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ generate a long text given a isi penting. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] mode: str, optional (default='surat-khabar') Mode supported. Allowed values: * ``'surat-khabar'`` - news style writing. * ``'tajuk-surat-khabar'`` - headline news style writing. * ``'artikel'`` - article style writing. * ``'penerangan-produk'`` - product description style writing. * ``'karangan'`` - karangan sekolah style writing. remove_html_tags: bool, optional (default=True) Will remove html tags using `malaya.text.function.remove_html_tags`. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ mode = mode.lower() if mode not in self._mode: raise ValueError(f'only supported one of {self._mode}') points = [ f'{no + 1}. {remove_repeat_fullstop(string)}.' for no, string in enumerate(strings) ] points = ' '.join(points) points = f'{mode}: {points}' results = super().generate([points], **kwargs) results = [upperfirst(r) for r in results] if remove_html_tags: results = [f_remove_html_tags(r) for r in results] return results
[docs]class Tatabahasa(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='kesalahan tatabahasa:', base_model=T5Tagging, **kwargs, )
[docs] def generate( self, strings: List[str], **kwargs, ): """ Fix kesalahan tatatabahasa. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Fix kesalahan tatabahasa supported all decoding methods except beam. Returns ------- result: List[Tuple[str, int]] """ if kwargs.get('num_beams', 0) > 0: raise ValueError('beam decoding is not supported.') outputs = super().generate( strings, output_attentions=True, output_hidden_states=True, output_scores=True, return_dict_in_generate=True, return_generate=True, **kwargs, ) last_layer = torch.stack([o[-1] for o in outputs.decoder_hidden_states])[:, :, 0] last_layer = last_layer.transpose(0, 1) tags = to_numpy(self.model.classification_head(last_layer)).argmax(axis=-1) results = [] for no in range(len(outputs.sequences)): s = to_numpy(outputs.sequences[:, 1:][no]) s = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(s) t = tags[no] merged = merge_sentencepiece_tokens_tagging( s, t, rejected=self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens ) results.append(list(zip(merged[0], merged[1]))) return results
[docs]class Keyword(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='', **kwargs, )
[docs] def generate( self, strings: List[str], top_keywords: int = 5, **kwargs, ): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] top_keywords: int, optional (default=5) **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ prefix = f'{top_keywords} kata kunci: ' strings = [f'{prefix}{s}' for s in strings] results = super().generate(strings, **kwargs) outputs = [] for r in results: r = r.split(',') r = list(set(r)) outputs.append(r) return outputs
class Constituency(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('initial_text', None) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = T5Constituency.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.START = '<s>' self.STOP = '</s>' self.TAG_UNK = 'UNK' def forward(self, string): all_input_ids = [] all_word_start_mask = [] all_word_end_mask = [] string = [(None, w) for w in string.split()] sentences = [string] for snum, sentence in enumerate(sentences): tokens = [] word_start_mask = [] word_end_mask = [] tokens.append(self.START) word_start_mask.append(1) word_end_mask.append(1) cleaned_words = [] for _, word in sentence: cleaned_words.append(word) for word in cleaned_words: word_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(word) for _ in range(len(word_tokens)): word_start_mask.append(0) word_end_mask.append(0) word_start_mask[len(tokens)] = 1 word_end_mask[-1] = 1 tokens.extend(word_tokens) tokens.append(self.STOP) word_start_mask.append(1) word_end_mask.append(1) input_ids = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) all_input_ids.append(input_ids) all_word_start_mask.append(word_start_mask) all_word_end_mask.append(word_end_mask) padded = self.tokenizer.pad({ 'input_ids': all_input_ids, }, return_tensors='pt') all_word_start_mask = torch.from_numpy( np.array(pad_sentence_batch(all_word_start_mask, 0)[0])) all_word_end_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.array(pad_sentence_batch(all_word_end_mask, 0)[0])) padded['sentences'] = sentences padded['all_word_start_mask'] = all_word_start_mask padded['all_word_end_mask'] = all_word_end_mask packed_len = sum([(len(sentence) + 2) for sentence in sentences]) i = 0 tag_idxs = np.zeros(packed_len, dtype=int) batch_idxs = np.zeros(packed_len, dtype=int) for snum, sentence in enumerate(sentences): for (tag, word) in [(self.START, self.START)] + sentence + [(self.STOP, self.STOP)]: tag_idxs[i] = 0 batch_idxs[i] = snum i += 1 batch_idxs = BatchIndices(batch_idxs) padded['batch_idxs'] = batch_idxs tag_idxs = torch.from_numpy(tag_idxs) padded['tag_idxs'] = tag_idxs for k in padded.keys(): if isinstance(padded[k], torch.Tensor): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded['batch_idxs'].batch_idxs_torch = padded['batch_idxs'] self.model.device) return self.model(**padded)[0][0] def predict(self, string): """ Parse a string into malaya.function.constituency.trees_newline.InternalParseNode. Parameters ---------- string : str Returns ------- result: malaya.function.constituency.trees_newline.InternalParseNode object """ return self.forward(string=string) class Dependency(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = T5Diaparser.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) def forward(self, string): texts, indices = [1], [0] text = string.split() for i in range(len(text)): t = self.tokenizer.encode(text[i], add_special_tokens=False) texts.extend(t) indices.extend([i + 1] * len(t)) model_inputs = { 'input_ids': texts, 'attention_mask': [1] * len(texts), 'indices': indices } padded = self.tokenizer.pad( [model_inputs], padding=True, max_length=None, pad_to_multiple_of=None, return_tensors='pt', ) for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) return self.model(**padded), padded def vectorize(self, string): return self.forward(string=string)[0].decoder_hidden_states def predict( self, string: str, validate_tree: bool = False, f_tree: Callable = eisner, ): """ Tag a string. We assumed the string input been properly tokenized. Parameters ---------- string: str validate_tree: bool, optional (default=False) validate arcs is a valid tree using `malaya.parser.conll.CoNLL.istree`. Originally from f_tree: Callable, optional (default=malaya.parser.alg.eisner) if arcs is not a tree, use approximate function to fix arcs. Originally from Returns ------- result: Tuple """ o, padded = self.forward(string=string) seq = padded['input_ids'][0, 1:] seq = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(seq) arc_preds = o.s_arc.argmax(axis=-1) rel_preds = o.s_rel.argmax(-1) if validate_tree: depend = to_numpy(arc_preds[0, 1:]) indexing = merge_sentencepiece_tokens_tagging( seq, depend, rejected=self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens ) if not CoNLL.istree(indexing[1]): s = to_numpy(o.s_arc[0]) c = defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(s)): c_ = defaultdict(list) for k in range(len(s[i])): c_[indices[k]].append(s[i][k]) for k in c_: c_[k] = np.mean(c_[k]) c[indices[i]].append([v for v in c_.values()]) new_score = np.zeros((len(c), len(c))) for k in c: new_score[k] = np.mean(c[k], axis=0) new_index = f_tree(torch.Tensor(new_score).unsqueeze(0), torch.Tensor( [0] + [1] * (len(new_score) - 1)).int().unsqueeze(0))[0].tolist() arcs = [0] for i in range(len(text)): t = self.tokenizer.encode(text[i], add_special_tokens=False) arcs.extend([new_index[i]] * len(t)) arc_preds = torch.Tensor(arcs).long().unsqueeze(0) rel_preds = rel_preds.gather(-1, arc_preds.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) tagging = to_numpy(rel_preds[0, 1:]) depend = to_numpy(arc_preds[0, 1:]) tagging = [dependency_settings['idx2tag'][i] for i in tagging] tagging = merge_sentencepiece_tokens_tagging( seq, tagging, rejected=self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens) tagging = list(zip(*tagging)) indexing = merge_sentencepiece_tokens_tagging( seq, depend, rejected=self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens) indexing = list(zip(*indexing)) result, indexing_ = [], [] for i in range(len(tagging)): index = int(indexing[i][1]) if index > len(tagging): index = len(tagging) elif (i + 1) == index: index = index + 1 elif index == -1: index = i indexing_.append((indexing[i][0], index)) result.append( '%d\t%s\t_\t_\t_\t_\t%d\t%s\t_\t_' % (i + 1, tagging[i][0], index, tagging[i][1]) ) d = DependencyGraph('\n'.join(result), top_relation_label='root') return d, tagging, indexing_ class TexttoKG(Generator): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='teks ke grafik pengetahuan: ', **kwargs, ) def generate(self, strings: List[Dict], got_networkx: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Generate list of knowledge graphs from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] got_networkx: bool, optional (default=True) If True, will generate networkx.MultiDiGraph. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[List[Dict]] """ if got_networkx: try: import pandas as pd import networkx as nx except BaseException: logger.warning( 'pandas and networkx not installed. Please install it by `pip install pandas networkx` and try again. Will skip to generate networkx.MultiDiGraph' ) got_networkx = False outputs_ = super().generate(strings, **kwargs) outputs = [parse_rebel(o) for o in outputs_] for no in range(len(outputs)): G = None if got_networkx: try: df = pd.DataFrame(outputs[no]) G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist( df, source='head', target='tail', edge_attr='type', create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph(), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) outputs[no] = {'G': G, 'triple': outputs[no], 'rebel': outputs_[no]} return outputs
[docs]class Translation(Generator): def __init__(self, model, from_lang=None, to_lang=None, **kwargs): Generator.__init__( self, model=model, initial_text='', **kwargs, ) self.from_lang = from_lang self.to_lang = to_lang self.map_lang = { 'en': 'Inggeris', 'jav': 'Jawa', 'bjn': 'Banjarese', 'ms': 'Melayu', 'ind': 'Indonesia', 'pasar ms': 'pasar Melayu', 'manglish': 'Manglish', 'mandarin': 'Mandarin', 'pasar mandarin': 'pasar Mandarin', 'jawi': 'Jawi', 'rumi': 'Rumi', 'tamil': 'Tamil', 'punjabi': 'Punjabi', } self.all_special_ids = [0, 1, 2]
[docs] def generate(self, strings: List[str], to_lang: str = 'ms', **kwargs): """ Generate texts from the input. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] to_lang: str, optional (default='ms') target language to translate. **kwargs: vector arguments pass to huggingface `generate` method. Read more at If you are using `use_ctranslate2`, vector arguments pass to ctranslate2 `translate_batch` method. Read more at Returns ------- result: List[str] """ if to_lang not in self.to_lang: raise ValueError(f'this model does not support `{to_lang}` for `to_lang`') to_lang = self.map_lang[to_lang] prefix = f'terjemah ke {to_lang}: ' if self.is_gpt2tokenizer: results = super().generate(strings, prefix=prefix, **kwargs) else: results = super().generate(strings, prefix=prefix, return_generate=True, **kwargs) results = self.tokenizer.batch_decode( [[i for i in o if i not in self.all_special_ids] for o in results], spaces_between_special_tokens=False, ) return results
[docs]class Classification(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = T5ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) def forward(self, strings): padded = self.tokenizer(strings, padding='longest', return_tensors='pt') for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded.pop('token_type_ids', None) return to_numpy(self.model(**padded)[0])
[docs] def predict(self, strings): """ classify list of strings. Parameters ---------- strings: List[str] Returns ------- result: List[str] """ results = self.forward(strings=strings) argmax = np.argmax(results, axis=1) return [self.model.config.vocab[i] for i in argmax]
[docs] def predict_proba(self, strings): """ classify list of strings and return probability. Parameters ---------- strings : List[str] Returns ------- result: List[dict[str, float]] """ results = self.forward(strings=strings) results = softmax(results, axis=1) returns = [] for r in results: returns.append({self.model.config.vocab[no]: float(r_) for no, r_ in enumerate(r)}) return returns
[docs]class Tagging(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = T5ForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.rev_vocab = {v: k for k, v in self.model.config.vocab.items()} def forward(self, string: str): tokens = string.split() tokenized_inputs = self.tokenizer([tokens], truncation=True, is_split_into_words=True) tags = [[1] * len(t) for t in [tokens]] labels = [] for i, label in enumerate(tags): word_ids = tokenized_inputs.word_ids(batch_index=i) previous_word_idx = None label_ids = [] for word_idx in word_ids: if word_idx is None: label_ids.append(-100) elif word_idx != previous_word_idx: label_ids.append(label[word_idx]) else: label_ids.append(-100) previous_word_idx = word_idx labels.append(label_ids) indices = labels[0] padded = tokenized_inputs for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = torch.from_numpy(np.array(padded[k])).to(self.model.device) pred = self.model(**padded)[0] predictions = to_numpy(pred)[0].argmax(axis=1) filtered = [self.rev_vocab[int(predictions[i])] for i in range(len(predictions)) if indices[i] != -100] filtered = [(tokens[i], filtered[i]) for i in range(len(filtered))] return filtered
[docs] def predict(self, string: str): """ Tag a string. Parameters ---------- string : str Returns ------- result: Tuple[str, str] """ return self.forward(string=string)
[docs] def analyze(self, string: str): """ Analyze a string. Parameters ---------- string : str Returns ------- result: {'words': List[str], 'tags': [{'text': 'text', 'type': 'location', 'score': 1.0, 'beginOffset': 0, 'endOffset': 1}]} """ predicted = self.predict(string) return tag_chunk(predicted)
[docs]class Embedding(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model, trust_remote_code=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def encode(self, strings: List[str]): """ Encode strings into embedding. Parameters ---------- strings: List[str] Returns ------- result: np.array """ padded = self.tokenizer(strings, return_tensors='pt', padding=True) for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded.pop('token_type_ids', None) return to_numpy(self.model.encode(padded))
[docs]class Reranker(Base): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs) self.model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model, **kwargs)
[docs] def sort(self, left_string: str, right_strings: List[str]): """ Sort the strings. Parameters ---------- left_string: str reference string. right_strings: List[str] query strings, list of strings need to sort based on reference string. Returns ------- result: np.array """ batch = [] for s in right_strings: input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(left_string, s) input_ids.pop('token_type_ids') batch.append(input_ids) padded = self.tokenizer.pad(batch, return_tensors='pt') for k in padded.keys(): padded[k] = padded[k].to(self.model.device) padded.pop('token_type_ids', None) return to_numpy(self.model(**padded).logits[:, 1])